Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Love Rocks party!

Our classroom is all about treating others with love and respect.  Students are given opportunities throughout the day to fill our "Love Rocks." jar with a rock when they are caught being kind or helpful to someone else.  The students filled the Love Rocks jar by the last week of Halloween, so we had a celebration!  We dressed up in our costumes and played games. 
We continue to work hard treating others with respect so we can fill the jar again!

Love rocks!  We filled the Love Rock jar for a party!

Pre-K Math with Goldfish Crackers

The Chadron preschool studied the ocean and fish this past week. Students worked on math skills by sorting, graphing, counting, and patterning rainbow goldfish crackers.
Hunter and Jaydea count their goldfish crackers and determine who has more.

Making patterns with rainbow colored goldfish crackers.

Ava works on her patterns.

Goldfish cracker math is so much fun!